Friday, May 4, 2007

Rough Bark Japanese Maple

So this one has been sitting on the bench. It grew OK last year, but not great. The chief attraction is the bark (of course). It is nice an corky. I don't think it is an Arakawa though as the bark is very finely textured. I have an Arakawa and the bark is MUCH more fissured (like a black pine type of bark).
The pot is a beautiful pot by Sara Rayner. I may change it out though as I think it competes with the dark bark a little too much. It might be nice if a tree with lighter bark was in this pot. Anyway, no time to repot it this year, so I refreshed some of the soil and started to prune it. I left the lowest branch in an effort to thicken the trunk some more. The taper is not great and needs work.
The final photo shows where I think the new front may be in the future.

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